Who We Are
Organizational Structure: The Massachusetts Association of Regional Planning Agencies is a formal organization with established bylaws. The association consists of the state’s 13 regional development organizations, known as regional planning agencies in the state. Two of the member organizations receive modest funding to provide staff support for the association. The Pioneer Valley Planning Commission provides administrative support and the Metropolitan Area Planning Council, located in the state capital, provides legislative research and advocacy support. Committees are formed on an as-needed basis.
Governing Structure: The executive directors and the chair of each regional organization form the state association board. Each member of the board has one vote. The president, vice president and secretary/treasurer form an executive committee.
State Association Financing: Dues are based on the size of each region’s budget. Dues range from approximately $500-$4000 annually. The dues generate $10,000 in revenue each year.
State Grants and Projects: From time to time, MARPA administers grants or projects. MARPA has also hosted the annual conference of the New England Association of Regional Councils, a multi-state network of the 60 regional councils of government in Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island and Vermont.
Advocacy and Outreach Efforts: The board members provide advocacy support for the association. A registered lobbyist assists with state advocacy.
MARPA member organizations are innovative and entrepreneurial. Learn more about what we do by clicking on one of the RPA regions in the map below!